Prairies and Savannas For Diversity With Grazing and Fire (October 9, 2017 Meet-Up)

Monday, October 9, 2017 from 6:30pm – 8pm
Presenter: Dan Caudle of Botanical Research Institute of TexasManaging Prairies and Savannas For Diversity With Grazing and Fire 
Amon G. Carter, Jr. – Downtown YMCA (address/map below)

Taggart Ranch headfire. (Photo by Dan Caudle)

A variety of ecosystem drivers and natural disturbances were essential in the evolution of North American prairies and savannas. Those same drivers and disturbances are critical for the maintenance and enhancement of our native grasslands now and in the future. Many of these natural forces have been altered because of land use conversion, development, and other reasons.  Two of the most important factors in achieving biodiversity and maintaining healthy prairies and savannas are sustainable grazing and prescribed fire. When these two forces are used in combination and applied at the right time, in the right place, and in the right amount, they have a dramatically positive impact on these natural ecosystems.

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